The ideal humidity level. The effects of high and low hunidity. Managing humidity levels. Benefits of maintaining the ideal humidity level.

The Importance of the Humidity Level in Your Home for Your Comfort

When you think about humidity levels, you probably think about the atmosphere outdoors. But did you know that humidity can also affect the inside of your home as well? Not only can it affect the comfort level in your home, it can also affect your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)system, as well as the rest of your home! Managing an ideal humidity level within your home is essential. Here’s how:

What’s the Ideal Humidity Level?

Maintaining an ideal humidity level in your home ensures that it feels warm in the winter months and cool in the summer months. If the levels are off, whether too high or too low, you face structural damage to your home as well as potential health issues. Comfortable levels of humidity range between 30% and 60%, however, the ideal humidity level, according to ASHRAE, is between 45% and 55%. Anything above 55% is considered to be high.

Effects of High Humidity

When the humidity level outside is high, how do you feel? Most likely, sticky and uncomfortable. The same happens if the humidity is high in your home. It can make it difficult for you to sleep at night. High humidity can also cause issues within your house as well. Moisture can seep into floorboards and carpets. It also fosters mold and mildew growth, which can lead to trouble breathing, especially for those with allergies.

Effects of Low Humidity

Low humidity, below 30%, also has some significantly damaging effects. First, it can lead to dry, itchy skin. It also makes your home more susceptible to colds and other illnesses, as bacteria and viruses thrive in lower humidity. Your wooden floors can crack and splinter, as can wooden furniture, and your valuable electronics may get damaged.

Managing Humidity Levels

When the humidity is high, an efficient air conditioner is often enough to help remove excess moisture from the air, as this is one of its main jobs. However, in some instances, an air conditioner may not be enough to bring the humidity level back down to the ideal range, so you may need to invest in a dehumidifier. Regular vacuuming, changing the HVAC filters, as well as keeping your home set at around 68 degrees Fahrenheit can also help to lower the level.

In winter months, the air cannot hold moisture, which leads to a decrease in humidity. Paired with your heater, the air can feel uncomfortably dry. Humidifiers, particularly a whole house humidifier, can help to raise the levels back up to the ideal range.

Benefits of Maintaining the Ideal Humidity Level

There are numerous benefits to maintaining an ideal humidity level in your home. During the summer, lowering the humidity leads to cooler, more comfortable air, and less of an opportunity for mold to grow. During the winter, raising a low humidity level can mean less breathing issues, healthier skin, less susceptibility to illness, and protecting your home and wood furnishing from damage.

An efficiently working air conditioner is key to maintaining the ideal humidity in your home this summer. If you are worried about the humidity levels in your home, or have noticed a rise in humidity indoors as the temperatures rise outdoors, be sure to call Budget Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule your consultation.

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